I assume you are using git for your source control management, but are you tagging your versions? And are you tagging them correctly?! A part of being a good open source maintainer is keeping your git history in good shape.

git history with properly tagged releases

What are git tags?

A tag is a special point in your git history. A tag does not necessary have to indicate a release, but for the sake of this blog post lets say it is, it makes things a bit easier. You can list all your tags in your git repo using the git tag command with no options.

To create a new tag you simply run git tag -a v2.0.1 -m 'v2.0.1' which will create a new tag with the name of v2.0.1. Remember to add the --tags flag in order to push your newly created tag to your repository.

Why should I tag?

Tagging makes it super easy to jump back in time to a specific release of your code without digging around and looking for something which indicates a release. Simply checkout the tag to a new branch by git checkout -b version2 v2.0.1 to get on with it.

github project releases

Secondly, if you are using GitHub your tags will automatically show up as releases which your users can download, and you can annotate by adding extra information to in GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Automate all the things!

Tagging your releases may become tedious work after the first couple of times. It is time to automate the process of bumping all the version numbers, committing the changed files, and tagging the new release to git.

The following release.sh script will update your package.json project file with the new version and tag the release. Run it with ./release x.y.z.

Semantic visioning

And for the love of God, use semantic versioning!


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